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“D is for ‘Doorway’”

“D is for ‘Doorway’”

So sometimes a stone will be very opinionated about what it wants to be, and hoooboy did this one ever have a plan for itself. 

The front of this piece of labradorite is mostly unremarkable, unless you hold it at a pretty sharp angle to the light, or catch some of the glittery silver sparkles in it. But flip it over, and, well. 

I had intended to set it with the glowing side facing out, but it had other ideas, and it was easier to go along with it than to argue. I did however make it pretty much reversible, so if you want to wear it fairyland-side-out, go for it... or you can keep it a secret.

Labradorite, smoked opals, silver wire, and a whole lot of liminality. 

Regular price $ 150.00 USD
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Item #2514

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