it's beginning to look... okay, that's too corny even for me
My toes are cold, I have Jingle Bells stuck in my head, I'm trying to figure out if I can avoid leaving the house for the next five weeks or so, the child and I are having our annual "we're Jewish, we don't need a Christmas tree, we have latkes" argument, and the forecast calls for frozen rain tomorrow: it must be the final days of November. And like every small business owner this time of year, I'm living on a steady diet of caffeine and ritalin right now.
Speaking of which: if you want your shinies to arrive before December 24th, you need to place your orders NO LATER than December 18th. If you're ordering neckvines or anything else that I have to make, I'd recommend getting those orders in by December 15th; I'm doing my best to get everything out the door within 24-48 hours right now, but I'm a disabled single mom and I don't like to make promises I can't keep.
After December 19th, your options become a gift certificate or... a gift certificate! Wait. Do I still have gift certificates? [investigates] Yes. Yes I do.
(Don't mind me, I just work here.)
Other dates to write on your calendars: I will be bringing back Instant Gratification Monday on December 5th and 12th! You'll be able to get shinies made while you wait, more or less. I might even manage to livestream one or both of them, if you'd like to find out just how often I yell "GET OUT OF THE BEADS" at a cat during my work day. Look for the first signup post to go up this coming Friday.
And in other news, I've been working on Christmas earrings the past few days.
And of course, some nice Jewish earrings too:
And some generic secular winter earrings:
Also I made a postmodern hipster giraffe in a Christmas scarf. You know. As you do.