Monday Morning roundup, fever edition

(actual photo of me trying to work today)

HELLO MONDAY I HAVE A FEVER WHEEE. I’m okay, it’s just a cold and not even that bad of one aside from the thing where my body can’t pick a temperature, but I am VERY not smart today so I’ve retreated to bed with sudafed and tissues and a pile of blankets that I’m tossing onto the floor every few minutes. 

(My thermometer says I don’t actually have a fever, but it also won’t switch back to Fahrenheit and beeps incessantly and won’t turn off unless I yank the battery out, so I’m thinking it’s an unreliable narrator.)

Last week I... didn’t do very much, because Yom Kippur. Although I did order 123 pieces of labradorite and rather a lot of opal beads, and I’ve decided that everyone who’s in the Earring Club come October 1st will get opals next month. And if you aren’t already in the Earring Club, you can fix that today for a mere $5...

(YOU get opals, and YOU get opals, and EVERYBODY gets opals! Unless you don’t like opals, in which case you confuse me a lot but please let me know and I will send you something that isn’t opals.)

Oh! I have also just restocked the extremely goth bat earrings, and I added some very cute knitting-themed design-your-own earrings, and stickers featuring Smol Panther have arrived and are going out in every order:  

And I found a really cool Victorian writing desk that is now my new workbench, and I’m kinda mad that I’m not downstairs admiring it right now. 

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