new subscription box now available!

As you may or may not already know, I've offered a monthly earring subscription since 2005 (that's a LOT of earrings, y'all) and lately I've had a number of requests for a non-earring version. I spent some time thinking about how I could best do that, and here's the result: Six Months of Shinies. 

I wanted this subscription box to be able to do several different things, and I think I've succeeded:

  • If you don't wear jewelry very much (or at all) it will be a great way to build a basic collection! After 15 years of making custom jewelry, I'm really good at taking vague ideas and turning them into custom pieces, and I enjoy helping people figure out what they'd like to wear. 

  • If you already have a jewelry collection that you like, but have noticed some significant gaps - perhaps you don't have anything red, or none of your pendants quite work with your favorite shirt - we can work together to fill in those missing spots, without you having to stalk the website.

  • If you just really, really like getting surprises in the mail (and who doesn't?) you can be as vague or as detailed as you want. Love everything I've ever made? Give me free reign and I'll send you something nifty every month! Or tell me that you only like small pieces jewelry in blue, green, and purple, and you'll get delicate mermaid jewelry every month.

This new subscription box is $45 a month, with free shipping in the US. Use coupon code 6NEW at checkout to get your first box for just $30 if you sign up this weekend!

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