March 2021 Pretty Rocks Club - astrophylite
March 2021 Pretty Rocks Club - astrophylite
This month was supposed to be both arfvedsonite and astrophylite, but it ended up being just arfvedsonite because I gave up trying to get astrophylite after two separate episodes of "uh, this is not astrophylite, WTF". But it's okay, because arfvedsonite is really pretty all on its own - pale blue streaks on a black background, and the streaks are as fleeting (and as hard to photography) as shooting stars.
Please let me know what type(s) of jewelry you'd like - pendant, earrings, or bracelet - and if you're opting for a bracelet, I also need to know the length. Earring pairs are available for either level.
Item #2021-03-regular
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