15th Anniversary Sale!

15 years ago I started a business with a brand-new set gof Lindstrom pliers, a relatively small quantity of beads, and a folding table in one corner of my living room - note the conspicuous lack of words like "business plan" or "any idea what I was doing" in that list. I've been figuring it out as I go along ever since, and I am so, SO grateful to everyone who's supported me along the way.

I wanted to do a particularly big anniversary thing this year, including launching a project that I've been trying to get off the ground for a couple of years now, but... it's 2020, I'm still dealing with covid-related health issues, and I'm a frazzled ball of stress about the election, so I'm keeping it simple: 30% off almost everything. The discount will automatically show up in your cart and at checkout, no coupon code needed, and it runs through Saturday November 7th.

(Not included in the sale: neckvines, $5 surprise items, gift bags, earwires upgrades, subscriptions, custom work, or mindfulness pendants - although I apparently never got around to putting those back to full price after a previous sale, so if you want to take advantage of my absent-mindedness, feel free.)

Two handy links for your holiday shopping convenience:

-  $5 surprise pendants and earrings - buy 5, get 1 free, and yes, you can mix and match if you want, just leave a note on your order telling me if you want the freebie to be a pendant or earrings.

- Gift bags! They're cheap! They're pretty! You don't have to find the tape!

Those of you who've been around for a few years will know that I tend to get up to shenanigans towards the end of sales, and that will almost certainly happen this year - keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook for announcements. I'll be live-streaming as my energy and lungs permit, and taking custom requests - look for more info on that tomorrow.

And again - thank you. All of you, whether you've been around from the start or just showed up this year, whether you've got a dragon's hoard of WS shinies or just admire them from afar. I couldn't do this without you, this year more than ever before.

...don't mind me it's just very oniony in here.

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