Status Reports & Other Ramblings

Masks! Masks! And more masks! Also shinies but ...

THE PLAGUE DOCTOR MASKS WILL BE HERE TOMORROW! And all the raven jewelry is ready to go! They will be shipped out no later than Wednesday, and possibly sooner! I...

Masks! Masks! And more masks! Also shinies but ...

THE PLAGUE DOCTOR MASKS WILL BE HERE TOMORROW! And all the raven jewelry is ready to go! They will be shipped out no later than Wednesday, and possibly sooner! I...

Weekly Roundup, migraine edition

I've spent most of the past two weeks hiding in a dark room pretending my head doesn't exist, which is... not exactly conducive to making shinies. The recovery from COVID-19...

Weekly Roundup, migraine edition

I've spent most of the past two weeks hiding in a dark room pretending my head doesn't exist, which is... not exactly conducive to making shinies. The recovery from COVID-19...

In support of Black Lives Matter

step by step the longest march can be won, can be won many stones to form an arch singly none, singly none 

In support of Black Lives Matter

step by step the longest march can be won, can be won many stones to form an arch singly none, singly none 

spring cleaning sale! also assorted update

So... yeah. Still working on the whole "trying to get back to normal after COVID-19" thing, and, uh... I'm getting better at being realistic about how much I can't do, at...

spring cleaning sale! also assorted update

So... yeah. Still working on the whole "trying to get back to normal after COVID-19" thing, and, uh... I'm getting better at being realistic about how much I can't do, at...

Weekly Roundup: all systems *almost* normal

♫  Neaaaaaaaaar... faaaaaaaar... whereEVERRRRRR YOOOOU AREEEE... ♫

Weekly Roundup: all systems *almost* normal

♫  Neaaaaaaaaar... faaaaaaaar... whereEVERRRRRR YOOOOU AREEEE... ♫

Status report: all systems finally normal!

Three weeks to the day after I woke up with no sense of taste or smell, things finally feel normal around here! I triaged my shipping queue on Sunday and most pending orders...

Status report: all systems finally normal!

Three weeks to the day after I woke up with no sense of taste or smell, things finally feel normal around here! I triaged my shipping queue on Sunday and most pending orders...