Status Reports & Other Ramblings

Status Report: on the mend?

I have now managed to go 36 hours without my fever returning! Halfway to freedom! This is very exciting and hopefully I haven't just jinxed myself. I've also managed to...

Status Report: on the mend?

I have now managed to go 36 hours without my fever returning! Halfway to freedom! This is very exciting and hopefully I haven't just jinxed myself. I've also managed to...

Website redesign!

Since I'm still spiking a fever at least once a day and can't go back to work yet, I needed to do SOMETHING, and... apparently that something was completely redoing...

Website redesign!

Since I'm still spiking a fever at least once a day and can't go back to work yet, I needed to do SOMETHING, and... apparently that something was completely redoing...

Status Report: nope, still not working

So I'm mostly recovered from the plague! This is excellent! Or it would be, if not for the fact that I kept thinking I was fine and then I'd take...

Status Report: nope, still not working

So I'm mostly recovered from the plague! This is excellent! Or it would be, if not for the fact that I kept thinking I was fine and then I'd take...

Status Report: still not working

Remember how I very optimistically said maybe I'd work on writing tutorials or overhauling the website last week? Uh, yeah, I wildly overestimated my ability to function while fighting off...

Status Report: still not working

Remember how I very optimistically said maybe I'd work on writing tutorials or overhauling the website last week? Uh, yeah, I wildly overestimated my ability to function while fighting off...

Status Report: well, THAT happened.

Okay. So. First of all: I AM OKAY and I have every intention of staying that way. But. I began showing symptoms consistent with the milder cases of COVID-19 on...

Status Report: well, THAT happened.

Okay. So. First of all: I AM OKAY and I have every intention of staying that way. But. I began showing symptoms consistent with the milder cases of COVID-19 on...

Weekly Roundup: Quarantine Edition

So today is basically just a repeat of last week, which is good because today was a hair washing day and since I haven’t bothered with anything more than throwing...

Weekly Roundup: Quarantine Edition

So today is basically just a repeat of last week, which is good because today was a hair washing day and since I haven’t bothered with anything more than throwing...